
Accountability is the Glue...

February 19, 2018
Choose An Accountability Buddy
...That Ties Commitment to Results.

Setting goals is one thing but actually taking action on and accomplishing them is something else entirely.  As a trained Life Coach, I know how important accountability is. Somehow it motivates us to know that someone else is interested in what we accomplish, to know that someone is going to ask "Hey, how did the clearing of your closet go?" or "Were you able to declutter your basement?"  When we decide that we want to grow beyond where we currently are, it can be very helpful to find someone to be accountable to.  Athletes and executives know the value of this dynamic and put systems and people in place to hold themselves accountable.  The good news is that you can too!  A few years ago, I was in a 6-week class and we had to find an "accountability buddy"; someone we could discuss the class material with and be accountable to for our homework.  It was amazing how much more I accomplished!  My "buddy" and I enjoyed the results so much that we continue to meet.  We get together once a week and not only discuss our goals but also act as a sounding board for each other when we get stuck. If you're not moving ahead as quickly as you'd like to in some area of your life, ask yourself:
Who could you find to be your "accountability buddy"?