
Blog Entries - Jul. 2018

I'd Rather Wear Out...

July 20, 2018

It's better to use something than to simply store it longterm and withhold the opportunity for someone else to use it and love it.

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It's Not Stress that Kills Us

July 15, 2018

Change your perception of stress so it can be an ally instead of an enemy.

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Live Less Out of Habit...

July 5, 2018

It never fails that when we start going through their closets, there are clothes that still have the tags on them. We all have more than we need and yet we find it overwhelming to go through it all and decide what to keep.

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Achieving Goals

July 1, 2018

It feels good to work consistently toward the realization of a big goal and then achieving it!

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Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.

July 1, 2018

If you're currently stuck on an organizing project, ask yourself what you'd really like the space to look, feel and function like and then give yourself permission to do that.

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