
Exciting New Beginnings

June 28, 2016
Exciting New Beginnings

I had a great time on my vacation last week!  The weather in Colorado was warm one second and chilly the next which meant that I was taking my top layer off and on several times a day.  At the end of one of the days I noticed that one of my earrings was gone.  No big surprise but I was still bummed.  I wear the same pair of earrings almost every day.  Just like I do a lot of the same things every day.  I'm sure you do too.  We just go into auto pilot and keep on keeping on until we have to change something.  We rarely seek out change for its own sake.  There is usually some event that disrupts our routine.  Maybe that's why we fear change; because we focus on what is ending instead of on what is beginning.  My recent loss allows me the chance to find something new that I might like even better!

Here's the Question: 
What recent change in your life could you view as an exciting new beginning? 
Please share your comments on my Facebook Page!