
Happy New Year!

January 1, 2011

This year I have decided not to make any resolutions for the new year but to look at what I want to differently in my life from a monthly perspective. Planning for the whole year is too much for my ADD-like brain to focus on and execute. So, this year I’ve decided to commit to one thing at the beginning of each month and do that one thing every day for the next 30 days. If it has enough benefits to it, I’ll continue the behavior. If not, I’ll drop it and focus on my next monthly objective.

I could think of no greater challenge to start the year with than to commit the month of January to making a daily blog post. I know, the mind reels at the idea that I might create something new in this space every day as opposed to once every other month (or so).

What would you like to commit to for the month of January? Come on! There has to be something that you’ve been wanting to do or change. Trust me, anybody can do anything for 30 days. If I can give up wheat for a month (and I’m a toastaholic), you can make your change too.

I’d love to hear about what you choose to focus on in the next month and how your commitment affects you.

Happy New Year!