
Mistakes Aren't Wrong

March 17, 2016
Mistakes are Userful Feedback

Learning anything new takes time and practice.  Sometimes we pick up a new skill quickly and others take LOTS of time and practice and patience.  But how we go about our practicing can have a big impact on how quickly we progress.  For instance, if every time we make a mistake we say "Learning to __________ is so hard." then every time we sit down to work on it, we anticipate it being quite the challenge.  However, if every time we sit down we think of the entire experience, mistakes and all, as the process of learning, it takes the judgement of good and bad, right and wrong out of the equation.  Our mistakes become the feedback we need to direct us toward what will work.   

Here's the Question: 

How would your experience of learning something new change if you thought of mistakes as useful feedback instead of "wrong"?

Share your answer on my Facebook page