
Your Attention...

March 26, 2018
A Compelling Vision a request."          -Abraham Hicks

When we have a lot of clutter, it can be difficult to think about anything else. We see it every day! One of the challenges with that is the fact that in life, we get more of what we pay attention to, whether we want it or not. We've all experienced that phenomenon of buying a car and then seeing them everywhere; or bringing  up someone in a conversation and the next day they call you; or stubbing our toe in the morning then having a really bad day. If all we think about is how cluttered our house is, rest assured there will continue to be clutter. That's the main reason that, when I begin working with a new client, I ask them to create a compelling vision; a vision of what they will be doing and how they will be living when the clutter is gone. I want them to get emotionally connected to that vision. Having that goal gives them something to think about other than the clutter. If you're having trouble getting started on a decluttering project, create a compelling vision of your own, get in touch with your "why do I want to declutter" and see what happens!
Here is the Question:
What is your compelling vision of what your space could be?