Happy New Year!
January 1, 2011
This year I have decided not to make any resolutions for the new year but to look at what I want to differently in my life from a monthly perspective. Planning for the whole year is too much for my ADD-like brain to
"You Can Always Change Your Plan..."
September 3, 2021
While it is possible that the messages we are getting from our stuff are positive, encouraging messages, those are harder for us to hear because they are drowned out by all the obligation-based ones.
"Our Thoughts Shape Our Behaviors"
March 17, 2021
One of the most influential aspects of changing our behavior is to first change our thinking.
"The Best Remedy for a Short Temper...
October 28, 2020
Today it seems like every day there is something else we could be angry about.
"The Path to Depression..."
October 12, 2020
As a professional organizer, I work with people who feel overwhelmed and sometimes depressed about the amount of clutter they have.
Who Made...
September 26, 2020
To this day I sometimes look around my own house and ask "Who made this big mess?!"